Why Client Appreciation?
Looking for a unique Client Entertainment Loyalty Experience
This is not about playing golf - this is about learning to play golf . . .
Therefore. . .We should talk. . .
Here’s the truth: Appreciate your clients, and they will appreciate you.
Client appreciation events are important because they set you apart setting up a stronger and more loyal client base. They help boost your credibility, increase awareness of you and your brand, give your clients a chance to see you in a different light and an opportunity to do something they never thought of doing. Golf is a favorite pastime of many, engaging and entertaining. A successful client appreciation events creates raving fans.
Here’s what happens so often. . .
There are so many charity fundraising golf tournaments and corporate golf outings that people are invited to and they do one of three things:
Golf Enthusiast - signs up first thing
Partial Golf Enthusiast - feels a duty to go play or coerced into playing (but really doesn’t want to be present; glad it is a scramble event; and overjoyed when it is over.
Non-golfer - feels left out - simply stays in the office, doesn’t go - yet quietly wishes he or she could go, not feel embarrassed, be part of the team, and overjoyed if could play.
Problem & Solution
Problem: Same people play and same people don’t play.
Solution: Hold a Client Appreciation Golf 8.5 Day
Golf Enthusiast - Always want to improve and get better
Non-golfer - Has an opportunity to learn - then go on to play.
Why golf?
Game of a lifetime
Builds relationships with family and colleagues
Equalizes the playing ground - Fairways for men, women, golfers & now new golfers
Healthy lifetime exercise
Why Golf 8.5?
Best & most trusted golf instruction
Simplest steps to a classic swing
De-clutters complicated instruction thoughts
Highly successful & accelerated learning
Empowers self-esteem and leadership
Builds relationships and loyal clients
Design your branded “Day with Kay”
Turn your clients into being more successful and loyal driven partners.
Create your own unique, creative, colorful, fun, personalized, and affordable - (Should I go on) -sponsored customer event.
Treat: Invite your clients, potential clients, friends, family
Learn: To swing or improve in the 8.5 accelerated approach
Builds: Lasting relationships, loyalty and branding
Results: Highly successful for all levels - Make people feel good!
What can be included in a PlayDay with Kay:All swing fundamentals
Classroom presentations
Hands-on range work
Before and after video analysis
Golf 8.5 PlayBook
Clubs if needed
Light breakfast - Lunch - Social Hour
Our Mission!
Our mission is to provide an educational, entertaining and an enjoyable environment for corporate and client based events and outings. eduKaytion Golf has been providing valuable entertainment to companies and clients for over 15 years. The Golf 8.5 Experience is a unique, simple, easy approach to golf which can be utilized for business, recreation, and health reasons.
Don’t leave anyone out. Don’t lose that deal because the other guy was on the golf course!
The Optional Plans
Platinum Sponsored Plan - partial Client payment
Fee reduced from our regular fee as your sponsored event.
As a sponsor:
We take your “portion” of the fee off - (You actually do not pay any amount.)
The client/participant pays the reduced portion of that fee as their registration.
Gold Sponsored Plan - Full Sponsored (No client fee)
Fee reduced from our regular fee as your sponsored event.
As a sponsor - You pay the reduced fee for all participants.
The client pays nothing as your guest.
Discover the Golf
8.5 SIMPLE STEPS - Guaranteed!
1 or 2 day workshops are great for any skill level from beginner to advanced. Golf 8.5, simplifies all instruction tips and methods into only 4 things to do before the swing and only 4.5 things to do in the swing. You will understand why the ball goes where it goes. You will have less reason to self-destruct and more ability to self-correct. Golf 8.5 guarantees a most successful golf experience. That’s a money-back guarantee and your client will love you.
Turn High Fives into Handshakes
See what they are saying - It’s simple! It’s fun! It’s entertaining! It’s the best in creating client high fives!"
“I am a financial planner always looking for new clients. I personally invited my clients and new prospects to a private “Golf 8.5” day workshop. I hadn’t played golf in about 15 years. By the end of the session I was hitting the ball every time…and it was going straight! Imagine!
The most enjoyable golf clinic I have ever attended and my clients loved it and actually now want more. Kay is a great teacher who made it fun, relaxing and ever so rewarding on many levels. I recommend it to any one in business - bankers, financial planners, event organizers, realtors - who wants to attract new clients or simply offer appreciation to existing ones.” Kyle
It’s a Win - Win - Win!
We should talk!