Personal Playing Lessons
Click Photos for details!
What if you never had to think about posture?
What if you never had to worry about ball position? What if you never had to wonder how far to stand from the ball?
What if you never had to know how much to bend your knees? What if you never had to worry about your alignment?
Hear from past Golf 8.5 Alumni!
6 - 9 holes of Instruction
Playing Golf Balls
1 to 3 people
On-Course Strategies
Uneven Lies
Decision Making
Club Selection
The Teacher
Kay McMahon
Teacher - Author -Speaker
LPGA Teaching Hall of Fame & PGA Member
With more than 30 years experience, Kay is one of golf's premier teaching professionals. She has received numerous accolades and awards including Golf Digest's 50 Best Women Teachers and the LPGA's Top 50 Best Teachers, LPGA National Teacher of the Year, and 3 times NENY PGA Teacher of the Year.
Kay and Eloise Trainor - Founder FUTURES Golf Tour - established eduKaytion Golf and created Golf 8.5 to provide quality, understandable and simplified golf instruction.