The Workshops
- What if you never had to think about posture?
- What if you never had to worry about ball position?
- What if you never had to wonder how far to stand from the ball?
- What if you never had to know how much to bend your knees?
- What if you never had worry about your alignment?
- What if POSTURE is automatic?
The Teacher
Kay McMahon
Teacher - Author -Speaker
LPGA Teaching Hall of Fame PGA Member
Golf is simple. Golf 8.5 Proves It. Only 4 things to do before the swing and only 4.5 things to do in-swing - producing a classic golf swing for any person of any level. Golf 8.5 proves to be easily understandable, simple, doable and highly successful.
The Answer is Golf 8.5!
4 things before & 4.5 things in the swing - To Do
De-Clutter your 6-inch Attic
1001 things you WON’T have to to do in 1.2 Seconds
Putting the Pieces Together – It’s No Longer A Puzzle
Scoring Tools - Putting, Chipping, Pitching
Mental Focus & Course Strategy
How to Practice Effectively & Continue Improving
Hear from past Golf 8.5 participants!
Christopher Giles, Novice
Chris Luczywo, Die Hard
Classroom and Hands-on Instruction
Video Analysis
Golf 8.5 PlayBook
Breakfast, Lunch & Gift Pack
upcoming workshops
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